02102213090 paul@tane.co.nz

Patrons & Friends

Titoki Nursery

Titoki Nursery has been at the vanguard of propagating native plants for revegetation missions since way back in the early 80s when Martin and Jo Conway, the OG pioneers of local revegetation in New Zealand, fired up this whole operation. Long before going native was all the rage, Titoki was dialing in systems and techniques for revegetation that were straight fire.

After cutting his teeth working alongside the Conways, Tim Le Gros took the reins in 2004, bringing his A-game ecology chops to the nursery. Dude’s not just running the day-to-day at Titoki though – he’s also tight with the Tasman Environmental Trust and lends his eco-consulting genius to a range of organizations and projects, from farming to property development, local government, and even the mining industry.

Over the years, Titoki has built a rep for plant quality and seed sourcing integrity that’s straight-up unimpeachable. In 2009, we scooped up a major national award for our work with rare and threatened species, getting dubbed one of the country’s “Leading Guardians of Conservation” by the NZ Plant Conservation Network. Then in 2008, one of our projects scored a Nelson/Tasman Environment Award for going ham on large-scale riparian plantings at a Golden Bay dairy farm that our crew planned, managed, and executed to perfection. Skeptics got real quiet real fast when this farm started getting recognized by Fonterra and Fish and Game as a model example of how to do riparian management right.

We’ve been blessed to roll tight with some heavy-hitting conservation organizations and trusts like Project Crimson, Forest & Bird, QE II National Trust, Landcare Research/SCION, and Project Janszoon, just to name a few. Humbling to be the go-to supplier for many Department of Conservation projects throughout the Nelson and Tasman regions, plus several West Coast missions too.

Our focus is keeping it hyper-local, fitting with our sustainable philosophy instead of chasing unlimited growth. We grow local plants for local projects so we can keep quality locked down and make sure our customers get the best damn advice possible.